Mamoona GhaffarHOW TO WRITE A DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION SECTION FOR A RESEARCH PAPER? ANY STRATEGY FOR IT?Certainly! The discussion and conclusion sections are critical parts of any research paper. In the discussion section, you should interpret…Apr 18, 2023Apr 18, 2023
Mamoona GhaffarDefine self-renewal. Explain Gardner’s conceptualization of self-renewal.Gardner’s Conceptualization of Self-RenewalSep 21, 2022Sep 21, 2022
Mamoona GhaffarThe woodcutter and Magical Coconut Story |Mamoona GhaffarOnce upon a time, there was a pious old man live under the tree and busy in worship all the time.Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
Mamoona GhaffarTop 5 Most Poisonous Animals in the Amazon Rainforest | Mamoona GhaffarTop 5 Most Dangerous animals of the world | 1. Poisonous Dart Frog 2. Green Anaconda 3. Asian Bug / Kissing BugApr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
Mamoona GhaffarDescribe the influence of the environment on a child's development during the prenatal period.Environmental factors in physical developmentAug 13, 20222Aug 13, 20222
Mamoona Ghaffar1. Why is the Celsius scale helpful in studying environmental conditions?The Temperature scale is a methodology for easily calibrating physical quantities or temperature in metrology. Celsius scale is also…Jun 23, 20221Jun 23, 20221
Mamoona GhaffarCOVID-19 Awareness |By Mamoona GhaffarIt’s a hard time on the whole Humanity of the world in the form of COVID-19 (CORONA VIRUS ). Every individual should adopt self-quarantine…Mar 28, 2020Mar 28, 2020