Mamoona GhaffarModule 3 (3.2): Climate and Global Change | Q/A Solution By MAMOONA GHAFFAR1. Describe how the gases and particles spewed by volcanoes affect the larger-scale environment and climate.Feb 6, 2023Feb 6, 2023
Mamoona GhaffarModule 3 (3.3): Climate and Global Change | Q/A Solution By MAMOONA GHAFFAR1. How many cycles of glaciation have occurred on Earth? Describe some of the effects of the current period of glaciation on the land, in…Feb 6, 2023Feb 6, 2023
Mamoona GhaffarSALINITY/ SALT STRESS-significance, causes, common symptoms, effects | Mamoona GhaffarSIGNIFICANCE:Jun 9, 20201Jun 9, 20201
Mamoona GhaffarBenefits of Senna Maki Tea to cure corona & Several Other diseases | Mamoona GhaffarMust use tea of senna maki ( scientific name= Cassia angustifolia ) the best n well-researched remedy against COVID-19 to cope with…Jun 14, 2020Jun 14, 2020
Mamoona GhaffarTop 5 Most Poisonous Animals in the Amazon Rainforest | Mamoona GhaffarTop 5 Most Dangerous animals of the world | 1. Poisonous Dart Frog 2. Green Anaconda 3. Asian Bug / Kissing BugApr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
Mamoona Ghaffar1. Is Van Den Abeele optimistic about humanity’s ability to preserve societal well-being in the…Yes, Van Cave Abeele is hopeful about humanity’s capacity to additional societal well-being by provoking devastating oil saves.Apr 17, 20221Apr 17, 20221
Mamoona GhaffarExplain how solid waste is managed; include the pros and cons of current waste-management solutions.Solid waste can be managed through the disposal of solid waste on land and ocean or by recovering and reproducing valuable substances from…Apr 17, 2022Apr 17, 2022
Mamoona GhaffarExplain what weather and climate change are and indicate the differences between each term.Weather change is a short-term change in weather, such as storms, wind, etc.Jul 2, 2022Jul 2, 2022
Mamoona GhaffarDescribe how the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit changes relates to the greenhouse effect.Eccentricity means the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Eccentricity is one of the orbital factors that affect the climate, which may be…Jul 3, 2022Jul 3, 2022
Mamoona GhaffarWhat causes climate change (also known as global warming)? Describe the effects of climate change.Global warming is the worldwide rise in temperature due to an increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. (Nicklen, n.d.)…Jul 3, 2022Jul 3, 2022